4 Months!?

Hi everyone! 

Sorry about last week's email. It was lame as. But this week was good. I can't believe it's November! Its crazy! Time flies. There is Christmas stuff up in stores now but it's weird because it's getting warm and doesn't seem like November at all! I have lost the cord for my camera somewhere, but when/if i find it ill send pictures. 

This week we did service for an investigator. We mowed her lawn and pulled weeds and stuff. We did it as a district so that was heaps of fun! Halloween was also this week, but it isn't as big here as it is in America. Also is it getting cold? It's getting hot as here! It's the World Cup for rugby league and New Zealand is hosting it. But the other day Tonga and Samoa played and they are rivals. We got a text form the APs telling us not to go out on busy streets because there would be fights and stuff. Not so much in Gizzy but in the bigger places like Tauraga and Whakatane and Hamilton and South Auckland. But Tonga won so heaps of members were happy about that! 

Yesterday Sister Baylosis and I were walking down the road and were going to go try and contact a former investigator and we saw a lady walking with heaps of bags. We asked if we could help her carry them. She was walking to her mom's house to hang her washing up. We asked if she'd ever met missionaries before and she did years ago. But we have  a return appointment with her tomorrow! So we got a  new investigator! Yay! 

So this weekend has been Guy Fawkes Day. I don't know what it is celebrating but Lisa explained it as the time of year when it's legal to buy and use fireworks.(Side note: it is a day that they celebrate a guy named Guy Fawkes who apparently saved the king from certain death from explosives set up in the House of Lords or something like that.) It started Friday and ended last night. It was really fun! The sisters and us drove up to Kaiti Hill and watched. But it was too far away for us to see so we went to the beach and watched. It was really neat. 

I love you all and will find my camera cord and send pictures in a couple of weeks. LOVE YOU! Oh and we have zone conference this week so Thursday we are driving up to Tauranga! It will be fun! Oh and please keep Lisa in your prayers. She got some really bad news this week. She found out that her brain tumor has grown 2cm in a month. The doctors want to operate on her but there is only a 40% chance she'll survive. Pray for her!

Sister Grant

Oh yeah! There's a story about my bishop in the July 2015 ensign. It's called "One Couple Serving, One Family Learning." READ IT!


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