Another Weekly Email

My dad, Elder Ellsworth; my brother, Elder Benson; me; and my mom, Sister Brothers

Kia Ora Whanau,

This week we had zone conference up in Tauraga and it was amazing! I drove there and we got there safely! :) But zone conference was so good. President gave a training on agency and I learned heaps. Then the AP's gave a training on the Book of Mormon and it was really good! Conference was amazing aye!? I felt like heaps of the talks were on the Book of Mormon and it has really made me desire to have a stronger testimony of the Book of Mormon. I really liked how Elder Nelson asked if we had the choice between diamonds and the Book of Mormon what would we choose. I learned so much. 

Just so you know, the gas and break pedals are in the same place on our cars, thankfully! Driving is going well. I drove through the Gorge to Whakatane on our way to ZC. It was good. We followed behind the senior couple here in Gizzy. Oh my goodness they drove SO SLOW! The speed limit was 100 and we went 70 at the max... UGH! It was really frustrating, but oh well. We got there safely.

Grandma and Grandpa's Elder Matene emailed me! I gave him Grandma's email (hope that's okay with her) but he said he really loves them! This week LIsa called us and we rushed to her house and she told us she has a brain tumor. She has had so many trials and now she has this! Some talks at General Conference really helped her though, I think. She really enjoyed conference which made me really happy! 

I'm getting so fat. The members just keep feeding us and I feel bad if I don't eat everything they give us. 

I don't have a lot of time to email but i hope you are all doing well. I love you all so much!
Sister Grant


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