Transfers Week! (Crazy Stuff Going Down)

Kia ora whanau,

This week is transfers! Transfers happen every six weeks. We get the call tomorrow and will see what's going to happen. I'm pretty sure that I will stay in Gizzy and Sister Brothers will leave. I am almost done training! YAY!! I'm too impatient with transfers news. On Thursday the people will leave and new comps will come. We will find out on Tuesday though. We already know the Elders' transfer news because the Zone Leaders both left! Elder Van Hauwart has finished his mission so he left and flies home tomorrow, and his comp Elder Latu is transferring to Hamilton so he left this morning, too, with Elder Van Hauwart. So Elder Ellsworth (our current district leader) is going to move to the other ward (I think) and become Zone Leader. The Elder he is training right now will have a follow up trainer. Some crazy stuff is happening, aye! 

All is well with teaching. We have some people we are teaching. We set a girl for baptism yesterday (December 16!) and one of our investigators stopped drinking coffee! So yay!

This week we also had exchanges and Sister Schwendinger was with me in my area. It was really good. Oh, and last night, we went to a fireside in Nuhaka and it was amazing! It was about families and it was so cute! This little boy spoke and it was the cutest thing I have ever seen in my entire life! Like no joke! It was cute as! And then the Elders sang and it was so amazing. They also had us, the Sisters,  sing because the speakers went to the wrong chapel and we had to wait like 30 minutes for them to come. So we sang for everyone. It was alright. I much rather enjoy listening to others sing than doing it myself. Oh well. Oh yeah, and then today pday is cut an hour short because we have to go sing as this world peace thing... ugh! oh well! We sing heaps here! 

It was a good week! I love you all so much!

Sister Grant


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