Kia Ora!

Kia ora! 

This week was pretty good! I can't believe I've been in Gisborne for almost 3 weeks! I sure do love it here! 

This week we had an appointment with Donna, the referral we got from the Elders last week, but she was about to go shopping when we got there, so we have another appointment set for Wednesday. Hopefully she will be home *fingers crossed*. This week we had exchanges! I went with Sister Kearon and went to the other area (Tahapara area). I met this old couple named Dave and Molly. They aren't members, but Dave went to church college and has many friends that are members. They are very kind and gave us hot chocolate and biscuits (cookies). It wasn't even cold outside (like maybe 60 degrees) and they were freezing! It makes me laugh. 

Also, this week we went to the church for a rescue night (where we and members go out and visit less actives) but no one showed up so the YW invited us to go with them. We decorated cakes.It was fun! (A note from Mom: A member of the ward made a video of this activity and sent it to us, the family, to watch. It was fun.)

Earlier this week I felt really discouraged because no one wants to hear from us! It's really frustrating. Sister Brothers and her old comp, Sister Taylor, had a lot of success last transfer, but I feel like I'm just making it so we don't have any. It's just hard. I'll be fine though. It's just hard. 

The ward here is good. There are some members who are really nice and stuff, but there are some who you can tell don't want new people to come in . They are just judgey. It's hard because as missionaries our job is to bring people to church, but the ward needs to help them and make them stay there (you know what I mean). There are some members who are awesome and help so much, but there are some who don't. This ward has like 1000 members and stuff, but no one comes because they are all less active.

This is my schedule. Each day I wake up at 6:30 and exercise until 7. Then at 7 I eat breakfast and get ready at 7:30. Then at 8:30 we have daily planning. Then from 9-10 we have personal study. I love personal study. I could do it all day long. Then, we go through our day and have dinner with a member at like around 5:30. We have dinner every single day for the rest of the month. Every Friday at 1 we sing an an old folks home called Kiri Te Kanawa for an hour. Then every Wednesday we sing at a place for special needs adults for an hour from 1 to 2. Also on the first and third Sundays of each month we sing at another old folks home called Leighton House for an hour. There is a lot of singing... I'm not particularly a big fan of it. haha!

On P-Day we went to this place just up the coast called Tolaga Bay! It was so beautiful and I got like a billion shells. It was so pretty I'll share some pictures. Today we are going shopping because the Sister Kartchner from the senior couple said that sh
e used to be a pro shopper for Nordstrom so she is going to take us shopping. It should be fun! 

I love you all so much! Oh! Also in the movie "Forever Strong" they say "Kia Kaha" which in Maori means "Forever Strong" I thought that was pretty cool! Oh! Another fun fact is that Gisborne is the first place where the sun rises for each day, besides a few islands and stuff, but that's pretty cool
Love, Sister Grant


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