Kia Ora whanau! 

How are all yous doing? This week was really good! The flat I first moved into was the nicest in the mission! It was so nice! I had reclining chairs!! But... we sadly had to move out of it this week. That's okay though! The APs came and helped us move and it was really fun! 

We didn't eat at the Swansons because I was confined to my flat on Sunday. I didn't tell you last week because I thought it would go away, but i haven't been able to keep any food down since last Saturday. So I need you to transfer money from my savings into my checking because I need to pay for the visit (and any tests they might do ) and then the mission will pay me back.Sister Cummings says they will do probably do some blood and stuff. The good news is that I fit in all my clothes again. 

Not much happened this week. I did get a new SD card so next week you should get some pictures from me! I love you all!

Sister Grant


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