MTC Week #2

Dear Beautiful Sister, What a privilege it is for us to be here with you. Remember to always keep the Temple in your sights even when you can't see it. Love you lots, Sister Howes
Hi everyone! 

I went proselyting with actually missionaries this week! I went with a sister in the Auckland mission. 

Also, I leave on Wednesday and go to Hamilton! I will be picked up by my mission president, I think, and will ride the hour and a half to Hamilton. It’s crazy to think that I only have a few days left here. I don’t want to say goodbye to everyone. I I love my district so much! We took some pics at the temple and I’ll have to send them later because I forgot my camera. 

I also forgot everything I wanted to say to you guys. I love you all so much though and I’ve grown so much here! My confidence has gone up so much! 

It’s kind of cold, but some days its really warm and I wear t-shirts and shorts to sport. Sorry I only have a few minutes left. I love you all!

Sister Grant


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